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Do you think that all great films give us a sense that humans can be immortal? - Question/Answer Now Playing

Do you think that all great films give us a sense that humans can be immortal?

Oct 18, 2011

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Do you think that all great films give us a sense that humans can be immortal? - Question/Answer Q & A Discussion

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henrymann wrote
at Oct 20, 2011 - 6:03 PM
when I am engrossed in a great film it feels as if time has stopped. so in that sense it is a feeling of immortality. but it isn’t just films. I get the same feeling from a great piece of music or a painting or when sitting across a dinner table from a beautiful woman...
Bass wrote
at Oct 18, 2011 - 9:00 AM
This is an example of what McKee was talking about in the question on Oct 13th 2011 (about no market for the seminar in the 20s, 30s, and 40s); external systems of thought imposed on a story.

From all the reading I have done (and am doing), from all the critical theory and blogs and articles (just today I heard of a rather awful 'story teacher' called Kal Bashir), McKee is the ONLY person who doesn't teach external, outside-in, Campbell-Freud systems in relation to story.

Everyone teaches people how to talk about writing. McKee is the only person who teaches people how to actually write. How to sit down, and do the work.

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