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If your controlling idea is that a ruthless pursuit of money or fame could destroy you in time, how does that relate to a positive change in the nature of the character? - Question/Answer Now Playing

If your controlling idea is that a ruthless pursuit of money or fame could destroy you in time, how does that relate to a positive change in the nature of the character?

Feb 28, 2011

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If your controlling idea is that a ruthless pursuit of money or fame could destroy you in time, how does that relate to a positive change in the nature of the character? - Question/Answer Q & A Discussion

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at Mar 02, 2011 - 9:06 PM
Why would it not be a redemption plot?
henrymann: old story
at Mar 01, 2011 - 3:47 PM
the destruction by ruthless pursuit of success story may be one of the oldest stories out there. religious leaders have been using it for ages as a way of keeping their flocks in line. 'It is easier for a camel to fit through the head of a pin than for a rich man to get into heaven.' the irony and hypocrisy of it is that a filmmaker who gets that story to the screen is probably driven by a ruthless need for success.

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