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How Come There Isn't An "Immaturation Plot" To Mirror The Maturation Plot? - Question/Answer Now Playing

How Come There Isn't An "Immaturation Plot" To Mirror The Maturation Plot?

Jul 27, 2010

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How Come There Isn't An "Immaturation Plot" To Mirror The Maturation Plot? - Question/Answer Q & A Discussion

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Adam24 wrote
at May 16, 2014 - 8:43 PM
what about Flowers For Algernon?
kat wrote
at Jul 31, 2010 - 12:31 PM
How about Diary of a Madman by Gogol as an example for an immaturity plot?
SCSaunders: Immaturity is Naivete, not Youth
at Jul 28, 2010 - 7:49 AM
I think the comment that you can't over-write or take back life experience makes this plot difficult to pitch to an audience.

Stories in which the gaps that open up in a seasoned life veteran's reality, crossed against multi-leveled forces of escalating antagonism, resulting in an unwinding of maturity would be hard for me to suspend disbelief, even if well told.  JMHO.
mysticpamela: Recapturing Innocence...
at Jul 28, 2010 - 7:38 AM
Quite correct. "Thou canst not teach me to forget."
henrymann: hmmm
at Jul 27, 2010 - 3:51 PM
some might call a middle-aged man trying to recapture his youth immature, e.g. American Beauty and Middle-Age Crazy.
Bass wrote
at Jul 27, 2010 - 2:52 PM
Bob; I honestly do not recall you ever mentioning this in the lectures I attended, but it's certainly possible.

I don't think that one would necessarily need a machine. There's the oft-quoted idea that old age is much like being a baby, but I'm sure we've all had our experience of elderly people who act like babies, throwing tantrums, and being completely unprepared for the world around them, especially in this era since society has changed much quicker now than it ever has before. But I suppose such people were maybe never mature. I dunno.

Geoff; BIG is a maturation plot. Hanks' character Josh makes a wise and mature decision to have a childhood rather than skip, unprepared, to adulthood.
Geoff wrote
at Jul 27, 2010 - 11:13 AM
Tom Hanks in Big? I'm also thinking of the effect that Tom Hanks's character had on those around him.

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