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Is The Quest For An Artistic Work Always Diminished By The Commercial Requirements Of Distribution? - Question/Answer Now Playing

Is The Quest For An Artistic Work Always Diminished By The Commercial Requirements Of Distribution?

Jul 21, 2010

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Is The Quest For An Artistic Work Always Diminished By The Commercial Requirements Of Distribution? - Question/Answer Q & A Discussion

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henrymann: those popcorn munching pests
at Jul 21, 2010 - 5:16 PM
a true artist doesn't consider commercial requirements because a true artist doesn't need an audience. the audience is too demanding. who needs them. they plop down 10 bucks and several hours of their life and demand something from us in return. the gall!
Geoff: Arms race
at Jul 21, 2010 - 10:06 AM
Much of what drives big Hollywood budgets are FX and marketing and promotion. I think Bob McKee has also mentioned the considerable budget risk in making historical epics or period pieces. I'm speaking of feature films. The bigger the budget, the greater the likelihood for someone looking over your shoulder. Sci Fi and Superhero genres are the ones notorious right now for huge budgets, so you can certainly reduce the risk by avoiding those genres, at least for awhile.

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