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Russell Crowe said in an interview with James Lapin that only 35 pages of the script were written when Ridley Scott started shooting Gladiator.  How does a multi-million dollar movie get to the shooting stage without a finished script? - Question/Answer Now Playing

Russell Crowe said in an interview with James Lapin that only 35 pages of the script were written when Ridley Scott started shooting Gladiator. How does a multi-million dollar movie get to the shooting stage without a finished script?

Dec 10, 2012

Russell Crowe said in an interview with James Lapin that only 35 pages of the script were written when Ridley Scott started shooting Gladiator. Furthermore, he said he was asked to ad lib some of his own dialogue because none had been written. How does a multi-million dollar movie with an A-list director and actor get to the shooting stage without a finished script?  Is that just how some of them prefer to work: making things up as they go along?

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Russell Crowe said in an interview with James Lapin that only 35 pages of the script were written when Ridley Scott started shooting Gladiator.  How does a multi-million dollar movie get to the shooting stage without a finished script? - Question/Answer Q & A Discussion

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at Dec 10, 2012 - 3:00 PM
You answered my second unasked question which was: under these circumstances how did the film turn out to be such a success? Luck, it seems, saved the day!
at Dec 10, 2012 - 3:00 PM
You answered my second unasked question which was: under these circumstances how did the film turn out to be such a success? Luck, it seems, saved the day!
at Dec 10, 2012 - 2:17 PM
Great video! Let em' have it!

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