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In “Sleeping With the Enemy”, Laura, the protagonist, narrates what really happened in the drowning, which reveals that she is not dead and why. From whose point of view is this film really told? - Question/Answer Now Playing

In “Sleeping With the Enemy”, Laura, the protagonist, narrates what really happened in the drowning, which reveals that she is not dead and why. From whose point of view is this film really told?

Nov 26, 2012

In “Sleeping With the Enemy”, Laura, the protagonist, narrates what really happened in the drowning, which reveals that she is not dead and why. Does this narration function to mark the real drama of the film? From whose point of view is this film really told?

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In “Sleeping With the Enemy”, Laura, the protagonist, narrates what really happened in the drowning, which reveals that she is not dead and why. From whose point of view is this film really told? - Question/Answer Q & A Discussion

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Kay Anonsen: In Chapter 12, in Story, Robert talks about creating a sense of rhythm, ebb and flow.
at Nov 26, 2012 - 3:58 PM
But throughout the book, his advice is to cut out anything that doesn't move the plot along. I see how the sense of rhythm mirroring life's rhythm is essential but doesn't that slow things down? Doesn't that mean you're going to have scenes where nothing is happening?

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