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How do you make the transition from first to second act significant and compelling? - Question/Answer Now Playing

How do you make the transition from first to second act significant and compelling?

Jun 27, 2012

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How do you make the transition from first to second act significant and compelling? - Question/Answer Q & A Discussion

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Banjoray: No Acts in Film
at Jun 27, 2012 - 1:43 PM
Acts are an invention by 18th century theatre producers. At the time sets were becoming really big too big to handle. Stage wings were invented to trap and release the ebb and flow of the really large sets. Then producers needed to control these new technical advances by breaking down the script and developing the scripts into ACTS: All in order to control things. Acts came about not for the writer's benefit but for the production's benefit. If films have any "acts" it's only one, from page one to the very last page.

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